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Still on the run...

Don't worry, the Modeling Underdog has not left its blog unattended. Nor has he dropped dead on his workbench after confronting the curse that some mean japanese moulder working for Fujimi cast on its kits. He's not laying there bloated and decaying (alright,he does, but he's not dead). Though it would make things easier if you think about it, for him at least.

There's a lot going on in my "full scale" life, so from time to time I might take sometime off this blog to set things straight and bury any evidence concerning the proceedings in some far-away abandoned factory. Just kidding, for God's sake. And by that I mean rice wine.

Also and since it's two hobbies at the same time, writing and modeling, updates may take a little time to show up. Depends both on my building speed and inspiration. Wich both have miserably lacked in this last 7 months...

Just to present you with a little update, let me tell you that the next kits to be finished are:

Bulgarian Arado Ar-65E (RS)
Hungarian MAVAG HejaII (Special Hobby)
Mitsubishi F1M2 "1945-1995 Edition" (Fujimi)
Höffner Sportstaube (Scratchbuilt)
Showa L2D3 Tabby (Esci, already built, more on this later)

All of them in the one and only, the most beautiful scale in the world: 1/72nd. I must strongly state here that as with any other modeler, they might not come out of the production chain as listed and even there is the posibility for some "newcomer" to show up in beetween.

You've been warned.

Until our next installment, take care and have a nice weekend.

The Modeling Underdog


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