As odd as it may seem, and being in front of the computer at 2.04 AM, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope that you´re spending a lovely night with the ones you love.
To the ones that provide me support, love and friendship, I can only say a big THANK YOU for all you do for me and because of me:
My dad and sister, Ducky (my own, personal, immortal beloved), Zeta (who's stylish Modelmod Blogspot is a haven of good taste), Gabriel and his never diminishing ability to make me rant about everything, Adrian "Oh, thy great master of masters", Gustavo "Ben Ali al Majadu" and his astonishing Arabic Air Forces, the Hrubisko dynamic duo (both Raul and Santiago are plain great guys and modelers), Martin Lucero (I owe you so many e-mails that starting to write to you would be an excercise of style itself!) and all of the modelers and everyday people who have to endure my most verbose and contradictory nature. Blame it on the genes!!!
And since we´re talking about genes, modeling is very related to them and that's why I'm starting a new series depicting spanish and argentine aircrafts from the 10's, 20's and 30's. The time has come to sharpen again my modeling skills in view of the next modeling season and since this year I only attended one contest and at that only on a very easy going basis, I assume next year should prove fruitful both in models and entries to the TMU. Displaying civilian aircraft in odd occupations and military aircraft not firing a single shot in anger for the most part is one of the axles of this blog, showing that both aviation and modeling are more than score tallies, medals and production tables is another one.
Soaring to a little more southern skies than its designers ever thought it would be taken to, one fine example of such "pompous and little serious modeling" is this Roden RAF SE.5a in argentine Navy markings. As usual, 1/72nd is the scale of choice.
It is not finished, lacking the rigging, minor painting to complete and is standing minus its wheels and propeller. Hopefuly, it'll be done before the year is over. Also, no more secrecy about what I'm building. One way or the other, modelers always find the way to ruin someone's "secret projects"... So what the heck.

Hopefuly, this soon to end 2008 and its yet to begin counterpart will bring more and better modeling experiences as I carry on (with your gruesome patience and craving for punishment) with this modeling intermezzo called The Modeling Underdog.
Take care and good luck!
To the ones that provide me support, love and friendship, I can only say a big THANK YOU for all you do for me and because of me:
My dad and sister, Ducky (my own, personal, immortal beloved), Zeta (who's stylish Modelmod Blogspot is a haven of good taste), Gabriel and his never diminishing ability to make me rant about everything, Adrian "Oh, thy great master of masters", Gustavo "Ben Ali al Majadu" and his astonishing Arabic Air Forces, the Hrubisko dynamic duo (both Raul and Santiago are plain great guys and modelers), Martin Lucero (I owe you so many e-mails that starting to write to you would be an excercise of style itself!) and all of the modelers and everyday people who have to endure my most verbose and contradictory nature. Blame it on the genes!!!
And since we´re talking about genes, modeling is very related to them and that's why I'm starting a new series depicting spanish and argentine aircrafts from the 10's, 20's and 30's. The time has come to sharpen again my modeling skills in view of the next modeling season and since this year I only attended one contest and at that only on a very easy going basis, I assume next year should prove fruitful both in models and entries to the TMU. Displaying civilian aircraft in odd occupations and military aircraft not firing a single shot in anger for the most part is one of the axles of this blog, showing that both aviation and modeling are more than score tallies, medals and production tables is another one.
Soaring to a little more southern skies than its designers ever thought it would be taken to, one fine example of such "pompous and little serious modeling" is this Roden RAF SE.5a in argentine Navy markings. As usual, 1/72nd is the scale of choice.
It is not finished, lacking the rigging, minor painting to complete and is standing minus its wheels and propeller. Hopefuly, it'll be done before the year is over. Also, no more secrecy about what I'm building. One way or the other, modelers always find the way to ruin someone's "secret projects"... So what the heck.

Hopefuly, this soon to end 2008 and its yet to begin counterpart will bring more and better modeling experiences as I carry on (with your gruesome patience and craving for punishment) with this modeling intermezzo called The Modeling Underdog.
Take care and good luck!
Un enorme abrazo, mi amigo.
Muchisima gracias por tus palabras,soy un fiel seguidor de TMU y por lo que anticipas,vamos a ver maquetas mucho mas que interesantes.En mi opinion,el "tema" como el que elegiste para tus proximos trabajos,son los que le dan ese "sabor especial" al modelismo.
Te felicito por el Se5,un avion que no sabia que habia prestado servicio en nuestra Marina.Que tengas un excelente 2009,un fuerte abrazo:
Muchas gracias por tus palabras.
Tenemos que organizar un asado como el del año pasado en Enero o Febrero en la casa de Papá.
Muy bueno el Se5. Ya casi lo tenes listo. ¿Ya sabes cual le sigue?
Un abrazo
Santiago Hrubisko