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Taking a stand.

A brief overview.

In the early days of underdogging, you were left with two choices for uploading images to a blog. One, you encoded and directed to your local server. Two, you opened an account with an image hosting company. It wasn't always perfect and took a lot of tweaking and honing but was easier than encoding your images into the page.

After twelve years, I've decided to close my Photobucket account for good. The ever increasing lack of tech support has driven the site to a plague of glitches and bugs. And also, they provide no positive feedback on any issue there might be. The cherry of the cake, as we say over here, is that they have now limited the bandwidth for free users to only 25Mb per month. If you go over it, images appear blurred and watermarked to the visitor.

Unless you pay, of course. That's in fact an arm-twisting tactic to force you into a payed account. I understand that big companies are here to make money. But no that ridiculously, excusing themselves behind a miserable traffic quota. So, I say no. Nobody's getting money out of what I consider a labour of love and for which I've never asked any reward other than people enjoying the modeling articles and perhaps - just perhaps - feel encouraged to start down a new modeling road.

After May 9th any old article here on TMU will have it's images deleted. It will be a lengthy but worthwhile undertake to upload in a more friendly way all the reference and building material. So bear with me (if you will), for all the older articles will be renewed for an improved visibility.

In the meantime, take care and as a funny but rather accurate crossover would have put it mildly:


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